Friday, March 23, 2012

Lookie what I made!

I saw this recipe all over Pinterest, of course I sort of followed it heaven forbid I actually measure and follow directions!
It's LEMON jello shots in a real lemon!
Wanna see how to make them?

cut lemons in half and squeeze the juice out and pick all the guts out too, it's not as hard to get the stuff out as it might seem. Keep the juice in a bowl you'll need it later!

I cut about 10 lemons in half.  Then put them in a muffin tin to help hold the halfs flat, they need to be flat cuz you're going to fill them up with jello.

Recipe is as follows:
2 6 oz boxes LEMON JellO
1 Cup Vodka
1/2 Cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 Cup HOT water
8-10 lemons

You basically make the Jiggler recipe, heat up 1 Cup of water add the JellO and stir 'till dissolved, like 3 minutes at least, in my failed attempt I didn't dissolve enough.

Then add the lemon juice and vodka, stir a bit more and pour into the lemons, fill them to the very top. Make sure they are flat and steady in the pan.  You could probably use a mini muffin pan too, just something to keep them flat.  I ended up with a few more than a dozen so I just put them in a little bowl to keep flat.

Put them in the fridge to chill for at least 4 hours.

Once they are all set turn one half upside down and cut into 3 wedges using a very sharp knife. Cutting is a little tricky, you have to really slice through gently but evenly...they turn out SO CUTE!

I stored them upside down together after I cut them because I was nervous about the jello staying in there, but it totally did!

Then you just serve them, eat the jello out of the lemon! It is super tasty and cute and FUN!

They were a big hit, they just didn't last very long.  You can do this with limes, oranges someone suggested grapefruit although that might be a little large. 

SO GO MAKE SOME and send me a picture!

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